On Wednesday 25 November 2009 22:01:32 Jonathan Lange wrote: > Hello Launchpadders, > -- an easily accessible set of common idioms to solve common problems. > > I thought it was a great idea, and so I made this page: > > https://help.launchpad.net/API/Examples > > It's a start. > ********************* copied via clipboard: ...this duplicates launchpadlib or API/Uses too much, then please merge or edit pages as needed. Find out if your launchpadlib version is recent enough (>= 1.5.1) Toggle line numbers 1 import launchpadlib 2 print launchpadlib.__version__ 1.5.1 or above is the answer you're looking for; all subsequent examples assume you have at least that recent a launchpadlib. Hello Launchpad! Ever wanted to have Launchpad greet you by your own name? Now you can, in the comfort of your own home. Toggle line numbers 1 from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad, EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT 2 launchpad = Launchpad.login_with( 3 'hello-world', EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT) 4 print 'Hello, %s!' % launchpad.me.display_name The hello-world bit is the name of the application and EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT means connect to the edge server. Does a bug have a release target? end of copy. ******************************* Each time a Python list is started, there is an auto-inserted switch to *toggle the line numbers*. Unfortunately every following "toggle the line numbers", toggles the first two lines of code if the first listing only. I had a look at the "raw text", but see nothing wrong with it - just a usual moinmoin edit page, so it would seem to be an error of the wiki engine. Regards, OldAl. -- Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng) http://akabaila.pcug.org.au/StructuralAnalysis.pdf
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