-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Free license for balsamiq mockups Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 12:13:33 -0300 From: Martin Albisetti <martin.albisetti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: design@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <design@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hello Design team! I've emailed the balsamiq team telling them about our attempt to make the world a better place by fixing the UI for open source projects, and they have very generously given us for free a team license we can use for their software. Quoting their email: "Download URL: http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups/desktop#download Organization name: Canonical UX Serial Key: ****** We have some assets you can use here: http://www.balsamiq.com/company#forbloggers if you'd like. Feel free to blog about this. We are very proud to be able to help out the open source community. BTW, Doc Rivers used Ubuntu as his rallying cry for the (NBA champions) Boston Celtics basket team last year. Cool. :-)" One quick note about installing, you don't need root, you just need to set the file permissions to "executable". From the terminal: chmod +x FILENAME Then, just run: ./FILENAME I've installed it and it works fantastically well. Ping me if you need help. -- Martin
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