On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Honza Pokorny <honza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: [...] > > Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it? Reasons for file rejection when you upload to a PPA vary, and while it would be helpful to see the exact error message, common reasons include: - Not increasing the version number in your upload - You need to increase the version number in debian/changelog, then re-build the source package to upload it, since there may actually be a version with the same number on your PPA already. - Not including the orig.tar.gz tarball for your program's source, when uploading an updated package. - Depending on how you build your package, you need to pass parameters to your builder to include the source tarball. In debuild, that would be the command 'debuild -S -sa'. To know for sure, you should reply to this thread with the message you get from Launchpad. It normally is fairly clear in what went wrong with the upload. / Matt
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