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[Launchpad-users] Launchpad wiki edits now gated for spam prevention.

Due to spam problems, we've finally had to impose some write-access
controls on the and wikis.  

Starting now, only members of the
team can edit wiki pages.  Joining the team is as simple as asking:

After you're approved for the team, you might have to log out (of
Launchpad and/or the wiki) and log back in again, for the new access to
take effect.

Note this is only about spam prevention, not editorial concerns.  We
intend to approve all requests to join the team, only denying those that
are from known spammers -- and, of course, we'll immediately remove
anyone who spams.  For reference:

If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Revell
<matthew.revell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, or just post here and ask.

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(Formatted by MHonArc.)