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Re: SOLVED RE: FW: [PPA chris-good-rwall-ppa] netkit-rwall_0.17-8ubuntu2_amd64.changes rejected


when you build locally you create a bunch of files (executable, libraries and so on) that you need to clean first

this is why I told you to dowload again and extract again the source tarball.

so please NEVER build in your machine and try to build again without cleaning up first. 
for cleaning you can try ./debian/rules clean, but can forget to clean some user made files...
so the suggestion is:
grab the source file
apt-get source or better
dget -x file.dsc
make your modifications
dpkg-source --commit to create a patch (if you modified the source code, not needed for debian directory tweaks)
dpkg-buildpackages -S -sa
pbuilder-dist precise amd64 build ../filenew.dsc

no need to chroot anything. I uploaded maybe hundred of packages on debian/ubuntu without chrooting a single time before.
pbuilder-dist allows me to create sid, wheezy, jessie, trusty, precise and other machine with the arch I want...

who still want to manually chroot?



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