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Re: [Merge] lp:~barry/lazr.yourpkg/prepare into lp:lazr.yourpkg


Review: Approve code
*merge-conditional (Edwin)

This is fabulous!

- I think --dry-run should imply --verbose

- Not specific to this check-in, but the test code depends on Py >= 2.5.  Is that

    return unittest.TestSuite((

- I first used ``./prepare.py lazr.foo``.  You can guess what that did.
  Can we handle that better?  An error seems like the right thing to do.

- the --help implies that I will have to type something in an editor, but I
  don't. ("This physically edits the files, dropping you into the editor of
  your choice (via $EDITOR) for any changes this script can't automate.")
  Perhaps the instructions should be changed until this actually happens?
  (In future revisions, I can imagine this opening up README and so on for
  initial edits.)

- two tiny additional comments below



> #! /usr/bin/env python
> # Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  All rights reserved.
> #
> # This file is part of lazr.yourpkg
> #
> # lazr.yourpkg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
> # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
> # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
> # option) any later version.
> #
> # lazr.yourpkg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
> # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
> # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
> # License for more details.
> #
> # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
> # along with lazr.yourpkg.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> """Prepare the lazr template for specialization."""
> # This requires at least Python 2.5.
> from __future__ import with_statement
> import os
> import re
> import sys
> from contextlib import nested
> from optparse import OptionParser
> sys.path.insert(0, 'src')
> from lazr.yourpkg import __version__
> cre = re.compile(re.escape('yourpkg'))

a niggle, but the "cre" name is not very informative. That's more noticeable
later on in the code.

> def parse_arguments():
>     """Parse command line arguments.
>     :return: The parser, the options, and the name of the package
>     :rtype: 3-tuple of (parser instance, options instance, string)
>     """
>     parser = OptionParser(version=__version__,
>                           usage="""\
> %prog [options] name
> Hack the files in the lazr project template to reflect the name of the project
> you're creating.  This physically edits the files, dropping you into the
> editor of your choice (via $EDITOR) for any changes this script can't
> automate.  After running this script, you should verify all changes before
> committing them.""")
>     parser.add_option('-k', '--keep', action='store_true', default=False,
>                       help='Keep this prepare.py script after completion.')
>     parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
>                       dest='verbosity', action='count', default=0,
>                       help='Increase verbosity.')
>     parser.add_option('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False,
>                       help='Make no changes, just show what would be done.')
>     # Parse the command line options.
>     options, arguments = parser.parse_args()
>     # There should be exactly one argument, which is the short name of the new
>     # package.
>     if len(arguments) < 1:
>         parser.error('New package name is missing.')
>         # No return.
>     if len(arguments) > 1:
>         parser.error('Unexpected arguments.')
>         # No return.
>     return parser, options, arguments[0]
> def hack_file(src, new_name, options):
>     """Hack the contents of the file, essentially s/yourpkg/new_name/.
>     :param src: The full path name of the file to hack.
>     :type src: string
>     :param new_name: The new package's name.
>     :type new_name: string
>     :param options: The options instance.
>     :type options: Options
>     """
>     dest = src + '.tmp'
>     total_substitution_count = 0
>     with nested(open(src), open(dest, 'w')) as (in_file, out_file):
>         for line in in_file:
>             substituted, substitution_count = cre.subn(new_name, line)
>             out_file.write(substituted)
>             total_substitution_count += substitution_count
>     # Move the temporary file into place, unless dry-running.
>     if options.dry_run or total_substitution_count == 0:
>         os.remove(dest)
>     else:
>         os.rename(dest, src)
>     if options.verbosity > 0:
>         if options.verbosity > 1 or total_substitution_count > 0:
>             print 'File:', src, 'changes:', total_substitution_count
> def walk_and_replace(directory, name, options):
>     """Walk the directory, looking for patterns in files to replace.
>     :param directory: The directory to begin walking.
>     :type directory: string
>     :param new_name: The new package's name.
>     :type new_name: string

Cut and paste error looks like: should be "name" not "new_name".

>     :param options: The options instance.
>     :type options: Options
>     """
>     # Start by moving src/lazr/yourpkg to src/lazr/name.
>     if options.verbosity > 0:
>         print 'Moving src/lazr/yourpkg -> src/lazr/%s' % name
>     if not options.dry_run:
>         os.system('bzr mv src/lazr/yourpkg src/lazr/%s' % name)
>     for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
>         # Skip the .bzr directory!
>         if '.bzr' in dirnames:
>             dirnames.remove('.bzr')
>         for filename in filenames:
>             if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
>                 continue
>             # We should do the substitution in every file.
>             path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
>             hack_file(path, name, options)
> def main():
>     parser, options, name = parse_arguments()
>     walk_and_replace('.', name, options)
>     if not options.keep:
>         if options.verbosity > 0:
>             print 'Removing prepare.py'
>         if not options.dry_run:
>             os.system('bzr rm prepare.py')
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main()

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