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Re: How do I make a hello world webserver with lazr?


On March 17, 2009, Elliot Murphy wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to find out how to make a hello world webserver with lazr.
> I want this webserver to do authentication using OpenID against
> launchpad and tell me whether the logged in user is a member of certain
> teams, to have sessions backed by a database, and to use storm to
> connect to a postgresql database. Then I'd like to see how to register a
> view to handle a certain URL.
> I'd also like to layer some WSGI middleware on top of this hello world
> webserver, and run it all under my favorite WSGI server (currently using
> paste, but Spawning looks mighty interesting).
> Separately from lazr, I'm interested in using the django template engine
> to render some of the pages.

None of the above is available. Or will even be in the short term.

> Finally, I want to publish a simple REST web API using JSON that
> supports both OAuth and cookie auth.

We'll publish next week lazr.restful which is basically the Launchpad 
webservice support which allows publishing a REST API from a content model 
described using zope.interface and annotations.

The implementation will only work for a Zope publisher. We are expecting some 
folks (maybe repoze or other) to make the implementation somewhat more 
independant of the Zope publication mechanism. 

There is no auth support in lazr.restful though (it supports whatever is 
supported by the underlying app server).

> Can anyone help me out with this? I realize that perhaps some of this is
> not completed yet, I'm mostly trying to establish whether or not it is
> possible for me to use lazr to write a web server yet, and these are my
> basic requirements. I'm also real good at reading code, so feel free to
> point me at branches and source files instead of polished tutorial docs.

Francis J. Lacoste

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