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Re: How do you actually make your own lazr package?


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Gary Poster <gary.poster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> On Jan 16, 2010, at 03:57 PM, Jonathan Lange wrote:
>>> The other day, I tried to make a lazr package. I downloaded
>>> lazr.yourpkg from Launchpad, branched it to my own package
>>> (lazr.importguardian), and then tried to run 'prepare.py'.
>>> I ran 'python bootstrap.py' and then './bin/buildout', but after
>>> downloading lots of things, it now gives me this error message:
>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/357350/
>> That looks to me like prepare.py didn't update setup.py.  It should have
>> turned import lazr.yourpkg into lazr.importguardian.
>>> https://dev.launchpad.net/HackingLazrLibraries suggests that maybe I
>>> need to use virtualenv or a non-system Python, and that work is being
>>> done to remove this limitation. If this is the case, then how would I
>>> use virtualenv,
> Install virtualenv (using apt).  Type ``virtualenv --no-site-packages [name of directory]``.  Use the python executable in [name of directory]/bin to run bootstrap, as described in the HackingLazrLibraries page.

Thanks. I'll give this a try when I next get time to hack on Launchpad stuff.

I've updated the wiki page with these instructions.

>>> and is there a bug I can follow on the work being done
>>> to make normal Python development possible?
>> I'm wondering if this is a reference to the namespace package work that Gary
>> did?
> Barry is mostly right.  It's a reference to my zc.buildout branches that we've been using in Launchpad.  A version of them needs to be landed in zc.buildout, which was waiting on Jim Fulton to review them, but is now waiting on me to finish a new approach.  I do not have a bug specifically for this branch, but it is in relation to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/491705 .  The branch is in Zope's subversion at
> svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zc.buildout/branches/gary-4 .  I hope to have the work completed this week, but I do not know when Jim will be available to review it.


