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Re: Moving on from Freenode



The situation worsened recently with the taking over of many projects
It is probably time to move to something else, even just to show support
to the spoiled projects.

However I would prefer if we move to OFTC or libera.chat rather than
matrix, for much of the reasons evoked by Rohan Kumar in his reply or
his excellent blog posts.


On 5/19/21 5:39 PM, Sheogorath wrote:
> Hello Libravatars,
> As you probably already know, a bit of drama is going on around
> freenode. And while the situation is for sure more nuanced than many
> any of the article written about it can catch, apparently it motivates
> a lot of people to move IRC channels somewhere else.
> As someone who has operated a bunch of channels and even an own IRC
> networks for years, I can tell: That never works. IRC channels exist
> forever and with people joining these even ages after community moved
> on to another channel.
> However, my motivation here is not that I want to drop Freenode. No, I
> would like to drop IRC in first place. As an example I want to provide
> with a rather detailed piece from the GNOME discourse instance[1], that
> discusses the integration between Gimpnet and the GNOME matrix instance
> as well as the issues with the bridges.
> TL;DR: The UX on both sides of the bridge is bad. IRC users get non-
> sense messages when someone edits a message on Matrix or uses the reply
> function. Matrix users get kicked from a channel, because their IRC
> puppet was kicked from the room because it joined back before
> authenticating to NickServ. All in all, not great at all.
> Therefore I would like to push for the more modern matrix protocol and
> work towards making the IRC channel obsolete in the mid term.
> Why Matrix and not XYZ? Because Matrix is currently adopted by many
> major free software organisations. As mentioned GNOME, KDE, Fedora,
> Debian, Archlinux, … and so far, I don't know any other messenger
> protocol that managed that and remained federated. The integration with
> existing communites that were on Gitter before or that currently remain
> on Freenode, OFTC or gimpnet exists and allows everyone who wants to
> participate in the libravatar community to interact with these projects
> without any barrier and all while maintaining an account on a provider
> of their choice.
> For the libravatar community itself, we can also benefit. Recently we
> had it happen multiple times, that help was reaching too late, people
> who asked questions, didn't get an answer on time and left again.
> Normal on IRC, but sad. In Matrix we keep these around and allow better
> asynchonous answers. With the reply function even easy to connect to
> the right question again.
> As part of this proposal, which I already provided on IRC[2], the idea
> was already picked up and moved forward by Julian, who updated the Wiki
> to lead people to the Matrix side of things.
> Next steps would be to organise some room admins on Matrix, getting a
> nice alias, getting listed in room directories and update the main
> contact page.
> I would obviously love your ideas and opinions on it, hope that I
> didn't overrun your with this, and look forward to modernise the
> community around libravatar.
> [1]:
> https://discourse.gnome.org/t/irc-matrix-and-thanks-for-all-the-kicks/6482
> [2]:
> https://matrix.to/#/!WfzCzMRVEBEnLpUmCb:matrix.org/$1621430743145Hhcyd:shivering-isles.com?via=matrix.org&via=shivering-isles.com&via=foad.me.uk

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