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0.5.3 released


Hello all,

the new release is tagged in the master branch and tarballs are
uploaded to Launchpad.

Release notes as picked from the ChangeLog file
Version 0.5.3:
        * Support playing RTMP streams from Flash Media Server when
          compiled with ENABLE_RTMP=1
        * Fixed several memory leaks
        * Ported Lightspark to windows, including a firefox plugin
        * Fixed multiple hangs and crashes

Thanks to the great work of Matthias, Antti and others who have
contributed to the release!

The website appears to not work for the moment, I may have
inadvertently caused this by
adding a CNAME in its git repo to have lightspark.github.com appear as
I reverted the change for now but may take a while until it is back.


Follow ups