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Fwd: remote participation for LDS



If you can't make it to LDS and UDS, you still have a chance to
participate remotely.

See details below.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	remote participation for LDS
Date: 	Wed, 4 May 2011 15:56:06 +0300
From: 	Amit Kucheria <amit.kucheria@xxxxxxxxxx>

(Sorry for the wide distribution, but I thought this would be of
interest to others besides just my WG)

For those that can't make it to Budapest, there is the option of
remote participation[1]. You can listen to the live audio stream and
ask questions or make comments via IRC.

A couple of rooms (Elod and ?) also have phone dial-in support.

PMWG-assignees : If you need some session to be moved to phone
dial-in, let me know.


[1] http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/