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Re: [Blueprint main-window-redesign] Rethink the elements in LottaNZB's main window


Hey Severin, here's my thoughts about some of the points you raised:

== Overall ==
Default window size: current size seems fine, depending on how we 
want to implement the history feature

== Menus ==
Is there no way to get the warnings sabnzbd gives? it may sometime 
offer valuable information. how does the web gui gets the warning?

== Toolbar ==
I think the "Up" and "down" buttons should stay, I know you can drag n 
drop but I use them some times.  

We may add a button that pause a single download. Another button 
needed is for the "shutdown" feature we discussed earlier.

== Infobar ==
I like the way the infobar is now, but we may want to add a status bar 
that show some more info like free space and some more download 

== Download list == 
don't see much need to change it, it's looks good and very easy to 
understand. maybe just add a row that show the chosen post 
download operation. I think other options and info should be available 
by the right click menu or by a dialog that opened when a download is 
double clicked. The dialog should display all the files in the nzb and 
offer the possibility to remove files or change download order,

== History ==
We may want to have another listview below download listview for 
showing the history. It can show details of the last 5 nzb's downloaded 
and present a link that will open a dialog with all the history records.

Hope some of this makes sense  :)

Follow ups
