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BUGS: Pcmanfm Deletes the wrong file


Tested Beta3 using single click to open files:

Pcmanfm often deletes the wrong file (or renames the wrong one, or opens the wrong one). These are serious problems. It makes Lubuntu itself totally unreliable. People will ditch Lubuntu and never come back to it if it is not fixed rapidly! You can lose a month's work in a click.
Cause: When hovering over a file, it takes 1/2 second for it 
to be selected.  If you had one file already selected and 
moved over to another one to delete it, right-clicking on it 
in less than 1/2 second (i.e. before it is selected), 
Pcmanfm deletes the FIRST file (even if it appears to no 
longer be selected).
I have used single-click in Windows and 
Debian/Openbox/Rox-filer without the delay or problems. 
This is not normal behavior.  Pcmanfm people were informed 
(at SourceForge) almost three weeks ago but the problem is 
still not fixed.
As you know, the trashcan does not work.

Pierre Champagne

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