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Re: Lubuntu RC images



I dare not even give a deffinate ETA for them. There is so much work going
on at the moment as they pull in as many bugs as they can. what will happen
is http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker will show that the RC has arrived. I
could ask Nicholas or Kate to send an email, but it would be held up in the
moderation queue!!

The cron-job for the ISO's usually start to get built at about 16:00 -
18:00 GMT.

right, from the horses mouth...

<phillw> slangasek: are the RC's still on cron-job for ~ 16:00 - 18:00
Thursday, or is it a manual build when you guys & gals are happy?
 <phillw> (GMT)
* slangasek redirects that question to skaet
* phillw offers skaet  cookies for an answer... :)
 <skaet> phillw,  we'll leave the cron on tonight,  but it will redirect to
release candidate milestone now.
 <skaet> after tonight we're turning it off
 * skaet likes cookies....   thanks!
 <phillw> I'll try and get some one at UDS-Q with paypal account and send
some funds for cookies :)
 <skaet> :)
 <phillw> You'll be enjoying UDS-Q, i'll be on my final exmas.... fancy a
 <phillw> skaet: but joking aside, what sort of (GMT) do you expect the
RC's to land on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker ?
 <skaet> phillw,  look at the times of the ones today landed, and should be
the same torrow.
 <phillw> thanks, I'm GMT +5.5 over here, so time is a bit of a blur.
 <skaet> We have more bugs than I'd like though right now, so manual
respins should be expected.
<phillw> okay, that was the start of my email to the lubuntu-qa team....
"they will arrive, when they arrive, owing to -release wanting to get as
many bugs squashed as is humanly possible".... Is that okay with you skaet?
 <skaet> yup.  fair 'nuf.
<skaet> thanks phillw
 <phillw> skaet: they're nagging :P
 <skaet> phillw,  feel free to encourage them to start on today's
dailies,  they're
pretty close.
<skaet> to what will be there tomorrow.

It looks like there will be re-spins, Yes, for QA it drives us mad; but the
-release team are really pushing as hard as they can to get through as many
bugs as they can. If you ever doubt just how hard these guys & gals work,
try hanging out on #ubuntu-release and catch up with thier meetings at



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