On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Yorvyk <yorvik.ubunto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:yorvik.ubunto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> On 07/06/13 11:01, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> First of all, please reply ONLY with '+1' this Email to make sure you
>> have read it :)
>> *Please, do not start any discussion and if you have something to say,
>> reply 'me' only - don't hit reply to all, please!*
>> Second of all, may I remind you all that our Official Communications
>> Channels were, are and forever will be maintained by Lubuntu
>> Communications Team:
>> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/]
>> and that team + Our Devs are the ONLY authorized group of people to
>> publish/post/communicate/send/announce/etc anything related to Lubuntu.
>> Lubuntu Communications Team is NOT responsible for any kind of contents
>> which will be posted/published/announced/sent/communicated/etc by other
>> party/parties.
>> In order to make life easier for you, PLEASE, do bookmark this link:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ContactUs
>> Thank you for your understanding and for using Lubuntu!
>> amjjawad - Team Leader of Lubuntu Communications Team
> Excuse the language,but this is bollocks!
> Steve
When someone publish something like:
*Possible Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander changes
Some interesting changes are expected to happen in Lubuntu too, the LXDE
Ubuntu flavor. While Ubuntu might switch from Firefox to Chromium,
Lubuntu considers the opposite: it might ship with Firefox by default
instead of Chromium as the default web browser because Chromium uses too
much memory for Lubuntu, which is supposed to be a lightweight Linux
Other possible changes in Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander include:
remove lxkeymap in favor of the keyboard applet of lxpanel;
Lubuntu Software Center might be replaced with something else;
Xscreensaver might be removed and replaced with the LightDM locking system;
Ubuntu One might be integrated by default;
better file manager that includes support for ssh/ftp;
FreeCiv or another game might be added by default;
artwork changes.*
That what you can call "bollocks" :)
And when you, my teammate can't really appreciate that I have tons of
Real Life issues but I'm killing myself to help out as much as I can and
more than I can sometimes, that is complete "bollocks", with all due
respect :)
If you can't appreciate the work I'm doing, I'd suggest to be at least
positive and stop the negative attitude.