On 18 March 2014 20:10, Lars Noodén <lars.nooden@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm looking at the 2014-03-18 image for Lubuntu Desktop PPC and
the installer starts and runs normally up until just after the
password and user name are collected. After that, the dialog box /
window just disappears and the mouse pointer stays as a spinning
disc indefinitely. I'll try some different installation medium
tomorrow but wonder for now if anyone else has seen such behavior
with the current installer.
Regards, /Lars
On 03/18/2014 11:07 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
Hi Lars,
there has / is work being done on the greeter... the proposed one
to be killed via ALT + CTRL + T using a kill -9. Julien has released
some new stuff today which sorts out the firefox bug. Let the
autobuild of the ISO's occur on 19th March
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/#When_do_they_build.3F so
that we know we have a 'clean' ISO to play with.
Hi, Phill,
Thanks. That'll be tonight then. I'll probably be able squeeze one
By the way, do you know where I could find any thing about the
configuration that is missing from the boot process of the Desktop
the installed system on the Alternate?