Moving to QA...
On 04/15/2014 01:32 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
14.04 is now in final release testing, please head over to for further details as to how to
grab it early and help test it!
Thanks. I'm about to look at the Desktop PPC image which has had a red
bug. A work-around is to purge the package ubiquity-slideshow-lubuntu
from the live session. This package is not essential to the
installation process yet causes the installation to fail rather
catastrophically (after the disk is erased). Someone did a drive-by on
Launchpad and killed the possibility of the package getting fixed by
changing the priority from Critical to High. However, it still prevents
installation, since December or so.
As a work-around, can we get the package ubiquity-slideshow-lubuntu
removed from the "Lubuntu Desktop powerpc" image for the release?