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QA = testing + bug triage


Primarily in QA we have focused on ISO testing and bug
reporting/confirming. This is a great thing and I'm so grateful for
what each and every one of you do.

I want to point out that we can do more as a team. Once there is a bug
reported and confirmed, it needs to be validated (including looking
for dupes and upstream fixes already existing), the language of the
bug should be cleaned up to be completely clear and concrete to
upstream developers, and then it needs to be reported upstream. THEN
the devs can do the work.

To try to help with this, I can now say I'm a member of the Ubuntu Bug
Squad team:
and have proved my understanding of the triage process sufficiently to
gain membership in Ubuntu Bug Control sub team:
(which means I can change to all statuses and assign importance). I
guess we can say I've made myself the Lubuntu Bug Master, a resource
for you to use to help facilitate bug squashing.

As I said before, I'd like to see more of us help with bugs. We should
all understand the standards of the Bug Squad:
and write our bugs accordingly. We should look out for other bugs we
can revise, too. If you join the Lubuntu Packages Team:
you'll be updated on every Lubutnu bug as it happens. Note Lubuntu
Packages Team should be subscribed to any bugs related to Lubuntu-only
packages. You can test this by looking for the same problem in other

If there is more interest in helping move bugs upstream to get fixed,
then you should start practicing these standards everywhere and then
create an application for Bug Control.

Please use me for your questions, suggestion, help, etc. I'm here to
do what I can to help you help make Lubuntu the best possible product
it can be.

Thanks as always for all your help!
Lubuntu Release Manager, Head of QA
Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader