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LXDE in Ubuntu


I have an idea for some manual testing and wanted to run it past you
guys and see what you think. I should preface this by saying that
there is no other flavor that does something similar.

Of course I'm not sure every flavor has the same problem to solve: we
regularly get users in the support channel on IRC that are having some
sort of problem or another with installing lubuntu-desktop in some
other flavor, mostly Ubuntu. I struggle to deal with these at times
because I'm unsure of what other variables may be affecting the weird

I was thinking we could write an optional testcase that involves
installing Ubuntu (standard install), then installing lubuntu-desktop,
and going through a prescribed set of tests to do really basic things
like shutdown, restart, use the file manager, etc.

In the end this may allow LXDE to be more useful across the Ubuntu ecosystem.


@wxl | http://polka.bike
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