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Re: Lifecycle of a node - documentation - 1st draft


On 2012-05-24 01:49, Dan Harrop-Griffiths wrote:

Key points to improve:

- What happens during the commissioning process?
- What are the key flashpoints throughout the lifecycle?
- Why would a node fail tests and what can one do if this happens?

If you know the answers to any of these questions I'd love to hear
from you - happy to set up a skype/g+ call, or to work through issues
via IRC or email.

The document currently says:

«When you add a node to the MAAS as a logged-in user, you’ll click on ‘Add node’ in the UI. The node will enlist, and the node state will change to ‘commissioning,’ and then ‘declared.’»

This isn't quite right. “Declared” is the *first* state a node goes into. It's basically “we've been told that this node exists, and somebody wants it added to the MAAS, but no admin has confirmed this yet.”

Approval by an admin moves the node forward into “Commissioning.” This is where we assume control of the node, rebooting it in the process. You can see why this needs to be done with care: we wouldn't want to reboot a node just because some rogue party on the network said so.

AFAIK we're dropping the distinction between admins and regular users, in which case anyone can approve a node. If you have that privilege, then adding a node implies approval and it'll go straight into Commissioning. (But we do have anonymous enlistment which still requires approval).

The straight path for adding a node to the MAAS goes:

ø → Declared → Commissioning → Ready.

The original transition into Declared is called “enlistment.” The transition from Declared to Commissioning is triggered by “approval,” but enlistment by an (authenticated) admin implicitly includes approval. So when an admin does Add Node, they see:

ø → Commissioning → Ready.


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