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Message #01378
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Gavin Panella
> Some solutions I can think of:
> 1. MAAS could arrange that reverse look-ups return the configured
> hostname of nodes instead of the generated one (using
> generated_hostname).
Would work.
> 2. Whatever writes pg_hba.conf could use the name from a reverse look-up
> instead of the hostname directly.
Sounds cumbersome. The charm just gets private-address, and that is
returning a name that it has to convert to an IP via a dns lookup?
> 3. Whatever writes pg_hba.conf could use the IP address instead of the
> hostname directly.
There is no IP address in the relation data. "relation-get private-address"
returns a fqdn for some reason. I didn't check what unit-get returns on the
postgresql server.
> 4. Whatever writes pg_hba.conf could add extra rules for both of the
> above.
> I'm not sure of the repurcussions of a change like #1. We chose to use
> the generated name for a reason, though I can't remember exactly what it
> was. Not having to regenerate the zone file everytime the hostname is
> changed might have been part of it.
But you do add a CNAME everytime a machine comes up.
> #2, #3 and #4 require changes to the charm, which I'll assume is easier
> to do than making a change to core MAAS. I guess it's confusing to charm
> authors though: a hostname is a hostname, right? It's an unexpected
> wrinkle. We probably ought to fix #1, or at least justify better why
> it's like that. In the meantime one of the other options ought to
> unblock you.
> If you agree, can you file a bug about #1?
What about the /etc/hosts entry pointing the machine name to, do
you know what adds that? Is it juju? Without that entry, it also works.
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