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MAAS 1.7.5 SRU - Request for Testing


Dear all,

I'm happy to announce that the MAAS 1.7 stable release update
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates>[1] (SRU) is in progress, and
has been made available for testing and verification!

When MAAS 1.5 reaches its end of life, all users on 1.5 will need to
migrate to 1.7 for continued support. Before they can do so, we are
requesting upgrade testing for all of 1.5 users in order to ensure the best
experience possible.

What has changed in MAAS 1.7

MAAS 1.7 has introduced new features that administrators need to be aware
of before upgrading. These features are:


   Static and Dynamic IP Ranges.

      MAAS now includes a Static IP range that won't be configured after
      upgrade. This IP range is used to statically assign IP address to MAAS
      deployed machines. It is highly recommended to assign the static
IP range.
      Otherwise, MAAS will continue to behave as 1.5.

   The Image Store.

      A new image store has been introduced. After upgrade, MAAS will
      re-import the images automatically into its new image store.

   New maas-clusterd daemon.

      The MAAS Cluster Controller no longer uses celery nor rabbitmq. The
      new daemon for the Cluster Controller is called *maas-clusterd*.

   Drop the usage of RabbitMQ and Celery.

   *maas-proxy* instead of squid-deb-proxy.

      MAAS Proxy provides the same functionality as squid-deb-proxy,
      however, it is controller by MAAS.

You can see the full release notes in:


Testing upgrades from MAAS 1.5.4

In order to test upgrades from MAAS 1.5.4 to MAAS 1.7, the following steps
are necessary:


   Enable the Ubuntu -proposed repository

First thing required is to enable the Ubuntu Proposed repository. For that,
please follow the instructions in:



   Update sources and proceed with Upgrade

Once the sources have been added, we can now proceed with an upgrade:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


   Following installation/upgrade instructions

During the upgrade process, and in most cases, the installation will ask
two questions:


   The first question will ask whether you would like to replace or keep
   the new version of /etc/maas/pserv.yaml.

   The second question will ask whether you would like to replace or keep
   the new version of /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py.

We recommend that both of these questions to be answered as YES (install
the package maintainer version) in order to ensure that the upgrade goes
successfully. MAAS will migrate the configuration.


   Verifying the upgrade

Once the upgrade has been completed, please verify that both, the
configuration files and the daemons are running correctly. In order to do
this verify the following:

Verifying config files:

   - *Region Controller* - verifying /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py:
         - Verify MAAS_DEFAULT_URL has been set correctly after the
         upgrade. If it has an incorrect value, this can be adjusted with the
         following command (which will request an IP address). This
will ensure that
         future upgrades are correct.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller

   - Sample config file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11660670/

   - *Cluster Controller -* verifying /etc/maas/pserv.yaml and
      /etc/maas/maas_cluster.conf look correct. Example as follows:
         - */etc/maas/maas_cluster.conf:*
            - Verify that MAAS_URL is correctly set and points to the MAAS
            Region server (default is localhost, which is correct):
            - Sample config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11660667/
         - */etc/maas/pserv.yaml*
            - Verify that they *generator* is correctly set, specifying the
            MAAS Region Server:
            - Sample config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11660668/
         - In case any of the above are not correctly set, the following
         command will re-configure things correctly, requesting the
location of the
         MAAS server in the form of “http://X.Y.Z.U/MAAS

sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller

Verifying the services are running

   - *MAAS Region Controller:*

   - Verify that the MAAS Region Controller is running:

sudo service apache2 status

   - And verify the logs:
         - /var/log/maas/apache2/{access,error}.log
         - /var/log/maas/maas-django.log

   - *MAAS Cluster Controller:*

   - Verify that the MAAS Cluster Controller is running:

sudo service maas-clusterd status

   - And verify the logs:
         - /var/log/maas/pserv.log

Known issues

In some situations, the upgrade may result in a maas-clusterd not running
correctly. This is a manifestation of bug:


This might be due running a rogue maas-pserv process or having tftd
installed, which prevents MAAS from binding against port 69.



Filing Bugs

To file bugs against MAAS 1.7.5 in Ubuntu Proposed repository, proceed to
file them in


*NOTE:* Please, if filing bugs, prepend the bug report title with [1.7.5].

Happy testing!

Andres Rodriguez
Engineering Manager, MAAS & OIL DevOps
Canonical USA, Inc.