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Message #02131
Re: python-django in the next LTS
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 07:28:17PM +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> Thanks for leading on this Gavin. What's happening upstream? The main
> question for me would be longevity of support and relevant of 1.8.
1.9 is currently in progress; interesting it will be a time-based
release (wonder who came up with that?) and the schedule is listed here:
September 21, 2015 Django 1.9 alpha; feature freeze.
October 19 Django 1.9 beta; non-release blocking bug fix freeze.
November 16 Django 1.9 RC 1; translation string freeze.
2+ weeks after RC1 Django 1.9 final (or RC 2, if needed).
The timing indicates that it could make it into Debian and 16.04 if
there are no surprises and we act efficiently.
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