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Message #63256
Wij hebben je helpdeskticket ontvangen '[Bug 1918423] Re: Missing function generate_simple_struct_class in soap webservice in /webservice/soap/locallib.php' en nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact op
Beste "Doris Tam",
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Nummer: *13824
Technische ondersteuning
Large parts of the webservice code originally came from Moodle. Checking
their codebase from 2018 which is when we ported their code over
Zend was removed in MOODLE_31_STABLE.
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Missing function generate_simple_struct_class in soap webservice in
Status in Mahara:
In Progress
Bug description:
When using the webservice with the following methods
mahara_institution_add_members, mahara_institution_decline_members,
mahara_institution_get_members, mahara_institution_get_requests,
mahara_institution_invite_members, mahara_institution_remove_members,
mahara_user_get_users, mahara_user_get_users_by_id,
we get the following error in the wsdl
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<faultstring>Call to undefined method webservice_soap_server::generate_simple_struct_class()</faultstring>
This function (generate_simple_struct_class) is called in the file
/webservice/soap/locallib.php on line 341
protected function get_phpdoc_type($keydesc) {
else if ($keydesc instanceof external_single_structure) {
$type = $this->generate_simple_struct_class($keydesc); // <<<
however the function generate_simple_struct_class is missing in this
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Missing function generate_simple_struct_class in soap webservice in
Status in Mahara:
In Progress
Bug description:
When using the webservice with the following methods
mahara_institution_add_members, mahara_institution_decline_members,
mahara_institution_get_members, mahara_institution_get_requests,
mahara_institution_invite_members, mahara_institution_remove_members,
mahara_user_get_users, mahara_user_get_users_by_id,
we get the following error in the wsdl
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<faultstring>Call to undefined method webservice_soap_server::generate_simple_struct_class()</faultstring>
This function (generate_simple_struct_class) is called in the file
/webservice/soap/locallib.php on line 341
protected function get_phpdoc_type($keydesc) {
else if ($keydesc instanceof external_single_structure) {
$type = $this->generate_simple_struct_class($keydesc); // <<<
however the function generate_simple_struct_class is missing in this
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