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Writeup of how to run my group commit benchmark



For anyone interested in trying to redo my group commit benchmarks on more
interesting hardware than what I have available, here is a writeup of the
steps needed to run it.

The benchmarks are described here:


1. Compile gypsy.

This is used to generate the load. I use a specific version as the latest in
trunk seemed to not build on non-windows last I tried:

    bzr branch '-rrevid:shane@xxxxxxxxx-20100224065101-jk3s5sro2p914nvp' lp:gypsy
    cd gypsy

This requires `mysql_config` in the path to get includes/libraries for
libmysqlclient. It also needs openssl headers/libraries (eg. install
libssl-dev package).

2. Install MariaDB with group commit enabled.

Packages/sources are available for this here:


These packages are however missing the --binlog-optimize-thread-scheduling
option that I used to compare the two ways to schedule threads in the above
blog posts. To get that option, grab this bzr tree and build:

    bzr branch lp:~knielsen/maria/mariadb-5.1-mwl116-threadscheduling
    cd mariadb-5.1-mwl116-threadscheduling

3. Configure and start mysqld

This involves `make install` and `mysql_install_db` when building from source,
check README/INSTALL for details.

For configuration, set whatever parameters are interesting to test. Eg. set
InnoDB buffer pool size and log file/buffer size to something sensible, set
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 and sync_binlog=1.

Also create a mysql account and a database with suitable access permissions.

4. Create the table to use:

    mysql --host= -utest -ptestpass test
    MariaDB [test]> create table t (a int primary key, b int) engine=innodb;

5. Create the script for Gypsy to generate the load. Just create a file
simpleload.gypsy containing this single line:

p|1|REPLACE INTO t (a,b) VALUES (? MOD 1000000, ? MOD 1000000)|int,int

6. Run the bemchmark. I run it with `script` to capture the output (yeah, I
know it's crude). The `gypsy` binary is found in the directory where it was
compiled in step (1).

for i in 1 4 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 ; do gypsy --host= --user=test --password=testpass --database=test --queryfile=simpleload.gypsy --duration=180 --threads=$i ; done

Adjust host/user/password as appropriate for the installation of mariadb.

7. That should be it! This is obviously a rather crude benchmark, sorry about
that, I did not have experience with something like sysbench or tcp-c, would
be interesting to see results from such benchmarks also.

 - Kristian.