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Re: audit plugin help with MDEV-575 (fail2ban like)


well i'm thinking about again, maybe just a syslog could do the job with
but in windows... well it will not work
maybe the second option of a internal table could do the job too
Host | bad_login_datetime

if host have more than 'bad_login_tries' bad logins in 'bad_login_seconds'
seconds before now  it will be disconnect
after xxx seconds or after each minute, or after each disconnect clean the
internal table that have bad_login_datetime < now() - 'bad_login_seconds'
the clean should be optimized in a not paintfull way (maybe like a garbage
colector that runs after X disconnects, or a event that happens each x
seconds, or both of them, i prefer the disconnect method)

any other idea?

Follow ups
