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Re: uint6korr optimization


Thanks for the suggestions, Kristian.
I for some reason didn't notice that __builtin_bswap things.

Best regards.

23.01.2014 19:51, Kristian Nielsen wrote:
Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Do it like this:
static inline ulonglong
mi_uint6korr(const void *p)
   uint32 a= *(uint32 *)p;
   uint16 b= *(uint16 *)(4+(char *)p);
   ulonglong v= ((ulonglong)a | ((ulonglong)b << 32)) << 16;
   asm ("bswapq %0" : "=r" (v) : "0" (v));
   return v;
Note that GCC also has __builtin_bswap64() (and __builtin_bswap32()). They
also generate bswap instruction, but would also work on other platforms...

  - Kristian.

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