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Re: Intermediate status for test cases merge


Hi, Sergey!

On Mar 11, Sergey Vojtovich wrote:
> Hi!
> So far I processed 431 test cases from the main suite. Most of them are up to
> date, a few merged without problems, a few tests fail (bugs reported), a few
> need extra analysis.
> There are a few items which I'd like to discuss:
> - INSERT DELAYED is deprecated in 5.6, do we want to deprecate it too?

Probably not, it's being used. Apparently, it's about as popular as GIS
(if the feedback data are any indication).

> - SHOW PROFILE is deprecated in 5.6, do we want to deprecate it too?

I'm not sure. It's being used too, although less than INSERT DELAYED,
but more than XML functions :)

Perhaps we can deprecate it in 10.1 or rewrite to use P_S...

> - YEAR(2) is deprecated in 5.6, do we want to deprecate it too?
>   Monty suggests that we shouldn't deprecate it. I find it Ok too.
>   Reasons for YEAR(2) deprecation are not obvious, relevant worklog is
>   private. Relevant revision comment says: "YEAR(2) is a subject to
>   deprecation since it has ill design."

I'd deprecate it - I agree about "ill design", it has lots of gotchas
that are literally impossible to fix. In some cases it seems to work,
but it's enough to change the query slightly - and it won't.

> - EXPLAIN gives NULL in Extra column in 5.6 (empty string in 10.0), do we want
>   behave similarly?

I don't see why.

> - Do we want to merge fix for
>   BUG#60269 - mysql should reject attempts to create system tables in incorrect
>               engine
>   http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=60269

No. That was lp:790513 for us, and I've fixed it differently.
We have a test for this - t/plugin_innodb.test

> - NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION is default mode in 5.6 now, do we want it be default too?

May be. What do you think?

> - 5.6 has many updates to default values, do we like to merge them too?

What was chanaged?
What do you think?


Follow ups
