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Re: Rev 4077: MDEV-4856 SQL_ERROR_LOG shows 1146 errors which didnt appear in mysql client


Here I tried to come up with what I think is a simpler approach. It
basically uses a buffer in the THD, but just like the old code, this
buffer is in the Diagnostic_area, it's the last error message.

Yep, that's closer to the way it works now. Thus simpler.
What do you want me to do now? To close that issue with your patch?

> Eventually we will need to remove thd->clear_error() completely

Best regards.

02.04.2014 2:37, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
Hi, Alexey!

On Mar 20, Alexey Botchkov wrote:
This looks too complex to me. Why would you extend the base
Internal_error_handler class - no other error handler did that or needed
that, fwiw.
Here I tried to come up with what I think is a simpler approach. It
basically uses a buffer in the THD, but just like the old code, this
buffer is in the Diagnostic_area, it's the last error message.

There is also one problem with thd->clear_error() that is used
everywhere in sql_show.cc. I did not fix it, only added a comment about
it. Eventually we will need to remove thd->clear_error() completely, it is
conceptually incompatible with the pluggable auditing.

See the attached patch.


Follow ups
