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Re: GSoC 2015: Table functions (a.k.a UDF returning arrays / result set) MDEV-5199


Hi, Diwas!

On Mar 25, Diwas Joshi wrote:
> Hello,
> I am Diwas, a Masters' student at IIIT Hyderabad, India.
> I am interested to work on "Table functions (a.k.a UDF returning arrays /
> result set)".
> I have downloaded and built MariaDB 10.1 source code from github. I started
> going through the code. I realized UDF's for scalar values is already
> implemented in the code, so i began to analyze from there. I got myself
> acquainted with the query work-flow. I believe the work will be similar to
> create_function from sql_udf.cc for some part. I understand that I'll need
> some real storage mechanism for executing the functions in queries so I'll
> need to use the handler class for this. Please tell me how much of the
> project I have understood correctly and if I am on the right lines here and
> how can i proceed towards writing my proposal for this project.

Looks like you're on the right track and understood everything
correctly. You might want to check the sequence storage engine
(storage/sequence/sequence.cc) - it is pretty much a hard-coded table
function. A UDF table function will use the handler class similarly.

