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Re: MDEV-10598 - bb-10.2-compatibility


Hi Jerome,

On 03/11/2017 05:17 PM, jerome brauge wrote:
> Alexander,
> It's work fine now.

I pushed a clean-up patch to bb-10.2-ext.
The second copy of char_to_byte_length_safe()
unintentionally got in during a merge.

The patch will later propagate to bb-10.2-compatibility
(when I rebase it next time).

Thanks for reporting the problem!

> Regards.
> Jérôme.
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Alexander Barkov [mailto:bar@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Envoyé : samedi 11 mars 2017 07:43
>> À : jerome brauge
>> Cc : maria-developers
>> Objet : Re: MDEV-10598 - bb-10.2-compatibility
>> Hi Jerome,
>> On 03/11/2017 10:18 AM, jerome brauge wrote:
>>> Hello Alexander,
>>> Thanks for this good job.
>>> The build fail on Windows because there is a duplicate definition of
>> char_to_byte_length_safe in item.h and sql_type.h:
>>> 1>c:\source\repos\server\sql\item.h(101): error C2084: function
>>> 1>'uint32 char_to_byte_length_safe(uint32,uint32)' already has a body
>>> 1>  c:\source\repos\server\sql\sql_type.h(184): note: see previous
>> definition of 'char_to_byte_length_safe'
>>> 1>c:\source\repos\server\sql\item.h(1751): error C2568: '=': unable to
>>> 1>resolve function overload
>>> 1>  c:\source\repos\server\sql\item.h(1751): note: could be 'uint32
>> char_to_byte_length_safe(uint32,uint32)'
>>> I quickly installed a CenOS 7 VM and build works fine but I don't know
>> development tools under linux.
>> Can you please try to remove the duplicate implementation from item.h ?
>> Does this help?
>> Thanks!
>>> Jérôme.
>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>> De : Alexander Barkov [mailto:bar@xxxxxxxxxxx] Envoyé : vendredi 10
>>>> mars 2017 11:36 À : jerome brauge Cc : maria-developers Objet : Re:
>>>> MDEV-10598 - bb-10.2-compatibility
>>>> Hello Jerome,
>>>> On 02/27/2017 11:39 PM, jerome brauge wrote:
>>>>> Hello Alexander,
>>>>> Thanks for the explanation.
>>>>> It's something we do not use. I did not think about it.
>>>>> I look forward to your patch.
>>>> I pushed these tasks:
>>>> MDEV-10581 sql_mode=ORACLE: Explicit cursor FOR LOOP
>>>> MDEV-12098 sql_mode=ORACLE: Implicit cursor FOR loop
>>>> MDEV-12011 sql_mode=ORACLE: cursor%ROWTYPE in variable
>> declarations
>>>> MDEV-12133 sql_mode=ORACLE: table%ROWTYPE in variable declarations
>>>> Please clone the branch again.
>>>> Git pull will not work, because I recently rebased
>>>> bb-10.2-compatibility on top of the latest 10.2.
>>>> When implementing cursor%ROWTYPE, I had your patch in mind and
>> made
>>>> some refactoring to help us apply MDEV-10598 easier.
>>>> Please see a comment to MDEV-12011 in "git log".
>>>> Now the tricky thing (when adding your patch) is to make sure that
>>>> this work
>>>> fine:
>>>> AS
>>>>   a INT:=10;
>>>>   CURSOR cur1 IS SELECT a;
>>>>   rec1 cur1%ROWTYPE;
>>>>   CURSOR cur2 IS SELECT rec1.a;
>>>>   rec2 cur2%ROWTYPE;
>>>> BEGIN
>>>>   OPEN cur2;
>>>>   FETCH cur2 INTO rec2;
>>>>   CLOSE cur2;
>>>>   SELECT rec2.a;
>>>> END;
>>>> I.e. a set of intermixed CURSOR and cursor%ROWTYPE variable
>>>> declarations referencing each other recursively.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jérôme.
>>>>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>>>>> De : Alexander Barkov [mailto:bar@xxxxxxxxxxx] Envoyé : lundi 27
>>>>>> février 2017 11:28 À : jerome brauge Cc : maria-developers Objet :
>>>>>> Re: MDEV-10598 - bb-10.2-compatibility
>>>>>> Hello Jerome,
>>>>>> On 02/21/2017 07:18 PM, jerome brauge wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Alexander,
>>>>>>> I've done this patch for MDEV-10598.
>>>>>>> Can you review it ?
>>>>>> It seems we'll have to postpone this patch.
>>>>>> I'm currently working on:
>>>>>> MDEV-10598 Variable declarations can go after cursor declarations
>>>>>> MDEV-12011 sql_mode=ORACLE: cursor%ROWTYPE in variable
>>>> declarations
>>>>>> So the trick with postponing variable declarations using a
>>>>>> temporary list might not work properly after adding MDEV-10598 abd
>>>>>> MDEV-12011, the order of cursors and variables is important.
>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>> DECLARE
>>>>>>   CURSOR cur1 IS SELECT a,b FROM t1;
>>>>>>   v cur1%ROWTYPE;
>>>>>>   CURSOR cur2 IS SELECT v.a, v.b FROM DUAL; BEGIN
>>>>>>   ...
>>>>>> END;
>>>>>> So the order of cur1, v and cur2 is important.
>>>>>> I'll let you known when I'm ready with %ROWTYPE tasks.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Jérôme.
