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Re: Interaction between rpl_slave_state and rpl_binlog_state


Sachin Setiya <sachin.setiya@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I have some question related to rpl_slave_state. Suppose A circular
> async replication between A < -- > B (gtid_ignore_duplicates on)

Why do you set gtid_ignore_duplicates? This option is for multi-source


  "When set, different master connections in multi-source replication are
  allowed to receive and process event groups with the same GTID"

But you are not using multi-source connection here, there is only one master
connection (eg. connection to B on slave A).
Thus, the option will do nothing in this case.

> Now, we set some temp server_id on server A , lets say `X`. Now the
> problem is each event group which
> originates from A is executed 2 times. For example we insert into
> table t1 and gtid is 0-X-2. The event goes to slave B
> B applies it, And send it back to A, Since its server_is different

I think here you mean that A has server_id=1 (eg), B has server_id=2, but on
A you do

  SET server_id=3;

But there is no server with server_id=3 anywhere. In this case, you need to
break the circle yourself somewhere. For example by CHANGE MASTER ...

To my knowledge, this has always been so for ring replication.

> Andrei suggested a solution of checking rpl_binlog_state in
> check_duplicate_gtid, This solution solves some problem but creates

It seems you think that --gtid-ignore-duplicates should magically ignore any
apply of duplicate GTID. But that is not the case, as the documentation
states (though admittedly rather briefly). --gtid-ignore-duplicates is
_only_ for multi-source replication (so perhaps unfortunately named).

In this case, the conflict is not between GTIDs replicated from different
master connections. It is a conflict between a transaction originated on a
master with a transaction replicated from another master.

> write gtid_event in log. But this does not make sense. rpl_slave_state
> should be used for slave replication usage.

Agree. rpl_binlog_state should not be involved in slave GTID processing.
There should be a clear separation: rpl_slave_state is what a slave has
applied from another master. rpl_binlog state is what a master has

The gtid_ignore_duplicates option is already very difficult for users to
understand and use correctly. It would be a mistake to make it even more

Also, this seems to originate from some Galera issue. It is well known that
Galera was merged prematurely into MariaDB with a broken design, and this
was never fixed. Galera issues must never influence how non-galera
replication (which at least attempts to have a proper design) works.

Hope this helps,

 - Kristian.

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