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Re: b0d21b7: MDEV-14567 Include full name of object in message about incorrect value for column.


Hi, Alexey!

On Nov 06, Alexey Botchkov wrote:
>  > That's why I asked what temporary tables have in table->s->db and
> > in table->s->table_name. What do they have there?
> 'Persistent' temporary tables (those created by CREATE TEMPORARY
> TABLE) have their database/name there.
> Auxiliary temporary tables created to execute queries like SELECT have
> 'normal' db value and soumething like #sql_1234 as a table name.

But that's fine to show, right? No NULL, no garbage.
No need to treat them specially.

By the way, can this error ever happen for internal temporary tables?

Chief Architect MariaDB
and security@xxxxxxxxxxx
