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More Review input for MDEV-21092, 21095, 29997


Hi Rex,

Nice to see progress with the patch, but there is further input.

In ./mysql-test/main/opt_trace.test

Do you see this comment at the end:

> --echo # End of 10.6 tests

Please move the newly added testcases to be AFTER that line.
This is important for those who do merges between version.

sql_select.cc, coding style comments:
instead of 

  trace_attached_conditions( thd, join );


  trace_attached_conditions(thd, join);

In opt_range.cc:
instead of

  make_used_partitions_str(thd->mem_root, prune_param.part_info, &parts, parts_list );


  make_used_partitions_str(thd->mem_root, prune_param.part_info, &parts,

No spaces, observe line length limit.

IMPORTANT: I'm looking at the change in opt_trace_security.cc, and in the new 
file I see:

            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
              "attached_conditions_computation": [],
              "attached_conditions_summary": [
                  "table": "t1",
                  "attached": null
      "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
        "attached_conditions_computation": [],
        "attached_conditions_summary": [
            "table": "t1",
            "attached_condition": null

(One can see similar picture in other examples, too).

This looks as if "attaching_conditions_to_tables" step was performed twice. 

I think we should then get back to the principle of "Optimizer Trace is a log 
of what optimizer does", which means things are logged as soon as they're done.

This means: Please put back the tracing into make_join_select() as it originally was.
With the exception that it should print "attached_condition" instead of "attached".

Index Condition Pushdown is done in make_join_readinfo(). So, please add tracing like so:

   "make_join_readinfo" : [
         "table": "t1",
         "index_condition": ....
       // further array elements follow

The array elements should only be printed if the table has a pushed index condition. 
This will occur naturally if the code that prints the JSON object is push_index_cond().

It is ok if the code prints an empty  "make_join_readinfo": [] for cases
when there weren't any pushed index conditions.

Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer
MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://petrunia.net
