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MariaDB repositories - GPG keys and website distro version references


Hi Daniel

The repository tool on mariadb.com is awesome!
I spotted a few things, hope you find the feedback of use:

1) On Debian/Ubuntu, apt-get will require a valid gpg key in its keyring to accept the packages.

As root, you can do
  gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 1BB943DB
  gpg --export 1BB943DB | apt-key add -
  ... the other stuff
  apt-get update

     sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 1BB943DB
should also work. This adds your key and after that apt-get update will add the repo info to its package database so packages can be installed/upgraded.

That said, the nicer method from Karmic (9.10) is
   sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
   sudo add-apt-repository <path>
   sudo apt-get update

where <path> is the url you now represent for adding into the apt software sources.
The distro tag (natty, etc) and 'main' get sorted out automatically by default.

(so the first method needs to be displayed for 8.04 (Hardy)

2) the repo install info on mariadb.com does not show which new package names become available for installation/upgrade. It'd be great if it were to show a list of "now you can install the server by doing "sudo apt-get install/upgrade ...", if you want just the command line client do ..., for the client libraries do ...

3) the distro names currently don't show version numbers, e.g. Ubuntu Natty is not identified as 11.04
For both Ubuntu and Debian it'd be handy to have the numbers there also as it's clearer for users; some people are fine with the naming, others need the numbers.

Arjen Lentz, Exec.Director @ Open Query (http://openquery.com)
Australian peace of mind for your MySQL infrastructure.

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