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Re: PHP 5.3 and mariadb 5.5.32 pam auth problem.


I have a similar setup and use the following code to connect with no problems

    $Conn = mysqli_init();
    mysqli_options($Conn, MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND, "SET AUTOCOMMIT=1");
    mysqli_options($Conn, MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5);
    mysqli_real_connect( $Conn, 'IP of my DBServer', $PWD,
                         $AccessType, 'NameOfDB', MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL );

    if( mysqli_connect_errno() )
      mysqli_close( $Conn );
      header( "Location: MensajeError.php?Errno=3204" );
             //No puedo connect


On 08/16/2013 03:42 AM, Rafał Radecki wrote:
Hi All.

I have:
- one devel application server with
- one devel database server with
When I try to make a connection from devel to database server with
php mysql_connect function then when I am using:
- user with local authentication: connection is ok;
- user with pam/ldap authentication I get error
"Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server;
consider upgrading MariaDB client error 1251"
When I use mysql command on application server I can connect to the
database server with both users, so only php does not work.

Have you got similar issues? Any clues anout how to solve the problem?

Best regards,
Rafal Radecki.

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