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How to disable TokuDB libtokuportability.so check in 10.0.4/r3863 source build?


I'm building v10.0.4/r3863 on opensuse/64.

This latest-version build newly fails @

  cd /usr/local/src/mariadb/bld/storage/tokudb/ft-index/ft &&
  ./logformat .
    ./logformat: error while loading shared libraries:
    libtokuportability.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file
    or directory

This is changed behavior.

I'm currently not interested in TokuDB.  Reading @


it's not supported on my platform anyway.  There's info on how to ENABLE
it, but not how to DISABLE it -- so the build doesn't complain.

How do I correctly DISABLE it in my build?


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