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Re: xtradb in 10.0


Am 05.02.2014 16:03, schrieb Federico Razzoli:
> I just read this news from SkySQL:
> http://www.skysql.com/blogs/chriscalender/mariadb-1007-overview-and-highlights
> "XtraDB storage engine was upgraded to the 5.6 version. Now one can use XtraDB with MariaDB 10.0. Unlike MariaDB 5.5, in 10.0 XtraDB is not the default engine, the default is InnoDB, and XtraDB is available as a dynamic plugin"
> This is confusing to me. When 10.0 is stable, will XtraDB be the default again? If not, can someone summarize the advantages/disadvantages of using XtraDB?

that would be really bad

servers with xtradb-configs would no loger start and it is not
really funny have to care on each update how defaults have
changed - nobody is changing a storage engine for fun

the following line is for good reasons in my MariaDB RPM-SPEC
beause i do not need any plugins and XtraDB is fine and tested
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/mysql/plugin/

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