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Re: why are ipv6 tests not simply skipped?


Hi, Reindl!

On Feb 11, Reindl Harald wrote:
> these tests should be skipped in case the machine has
> no ipv6 config instead fired up and failing

I think it depends on ho exactly your machine has "no ipv6 config".

When I added a check for missing ipv6, my box had no ipv6 at all, not
compiled into the kernel, no ipv6.ko module either.
And the check worked, ipv6 tests were skipped.

Perhaps your machine has "no ipv6 config" differently?
Then it needs a different check. This is the one that worked for me:

  use Socket;
  $skip{'include/check_ipv6.inc'} = 'No IPv6'
             unless socket SOCK, PF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp');
  close SOCK;

it's in mysql-test/suite.pm


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