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Re: flush tables for export


Hi, Federico!

On Apr 01, Federico Razzoli wrote:
> This is just a curiosity, but anyway:
> Of course I understand the need for the FLUSH ... FOR EXPORT syntax
> for InnoDB. But why does MyISAM support it? In which way is it better

Because we've redefined the meaning of FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT.
In MySQL it is
  This FLUSH TABLES variant applies to InnoDB tables. It is available as
  of MySQL 5.6.6. The statement ensures that changes to the named tables
  have been flushed to disk so that binary table copies can be made while
  the server is running.

and we've removed "applied to InnoDB tables" part, in MariaDB FLUSH
TABLES ...  FOR EXPORT means that one can do a binary copy of table
files. Period.

And because one can copy MYD/MYI files under FLUSH TABLES (any variant
of it) this means that MyISAM suports FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT.

