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Message #01890
Re: MariaDB,TokuDB and FusionIO
Hi Jan,
Thank you for your answer.
I am writing to the TokuDB community.
I hope for good news ☺
[Gartner MQ]<>
De : Jan Lindström [mailto:jan.lindstrom@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : mardi 30 septembre 2014 10:38
À : Christophe Le Roux; Maria Discuss
Objet : Re: [Maria-discuss] MariaDB,TokuDB and FusionIO
On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Christophe Le Roux <christophe.le.roux@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:christophe.le.roux@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
About NVM compression, is it a hardware compression doing by the FusionIO controller or is it a software compression doing by the CPU of the server ?
Compression is done by CPU in the MariaDB server (InnoDB/XtraDB storage engine).
About Atomic Write, I understand there is missing code to have this feature to the TokuDB engine. Should I ask to the Mariadb dev team or the Tokutek dev team (or SanDisk/FusionIO dev team ?) to add it (maybe it’s technically no doable ?)?
I would start from Tokutek dev team, I do not know fully how database tables are stored on Tokutek, but I do not see immediately a reason why atomic writes would not be possible.
Do you think this can boost performances for huge TokuDB tables ?
Atomic will boost performance but only if database is stored on device that supports atomic writes.
R: Jan

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