Am 02.03.2015 um 15:03 schrieb Ian Gilfillan:
On 02/03/2015 15:37, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 02.03.2015 um 14:26 schrieb Ian Gilfillan:
This is probably because strict mode is set. If unset, it should
a warning, not an error. From MariaDB 10.1.2, you can use:
SET STATEMENT sql_mode='' FOR ALTER TABLE `systemevents` ENGINE =
which will unset strict mode just for that query, otherwise for older
versions just set it off and on again for the session to alter.
indeed *but* why does "TRANSACTIONAL=0" don't go away after convert to
Why is so that the change is reversible
that makes no sense, keep options which are invalid for the target
engine is completly wrong and leads to the above problems that you
can't convert tables only in the dirty default mode
if you now convert to InnoDB "TRANSACTIONAL=0" makes no sense
if you later decide to convert back to Aria you need to set that flag
in a follow-up step - but keep invalid and dirty options is just
asking for troubles until "alter table" has no way to delete them
Obviously this may not be desirable in many cases. See for a similar discussion
and a fix that was applied in 10.0.13
it is not desirebale in *any* sane case