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Re: stored programs



One other thing, in that example I sent, there is $state->winfunc_sql.  For
those window functions that take column input, it will be the column to
input into the function, and is always of form "expr$[0-9]+ as wf[0-9]+"
For example, for the following query it is "expr$0 as wf0 "
SELECT salary, sum(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) as ss FROM empsalary;

The SQL looks like this:
 1610 Query     SELECT NULL as wf_rownum, salary AS expr$0,NULL  as
wf0_hash,salary,SHA1(CONCAT_WS('#',salary)) as wf0_obhash
FROM empsalary  AS `empsalary`  WHERE  1=1
                 1611 Query     INSERT INTO `aggregation_tmp_86564985`

                 1607 Query     SELECT distinct wf0_hash h from
aggregation_tmp_86564985 ORDER BY salary asc
                 1607 Query     SELECT *,expr$0 as wf0
FROM `aggregation_tmp_86564985` where
wf0_hash='3dce9641066f316f334c8008fd3e364274470068' ORDER BY salary asc
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
3500 WHERE wf_rownum = 6
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
7400 WHERE wf_rownum = 7
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
11600 WHERE wf_rownum = 2
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
16100 WHERE wf_rownum = 3
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
25700 WHERE wf_rownum = 8
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
25700 WHERE wf_rownum = 10
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
30700 WHERE wf_rownum = 9
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
41100 WHERE wf_rownum = 1
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
41100 WHERE wf_rownum = 5
                 1607 Query     UPDATE aggregation_tmp_86564985 SET wf0 =
47100 WHERE wf_rownum = 4

The cumulative distance example doesn't use any column input so in the SQL
examples you see "NULL as wf0." for the window sql


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Justin Swanhart <greenlion@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was a little confusing.  The query orders of the order by columns
> (salary is project out into the temporary table) but, later ob_hash is
> used.  This is because the frame extends to all the values the order the
> same, and comparing multiple columns is hard, so a hash is used instead.
> --Justin
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Justin Swanhart <greenlion@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Well here is how Shard-Query does them.  I assume you would do something
>> very similarly internally with a temp table.
>> a) it create a temporary table for the query reserving null rows for the
>> window functions
>> b) it adds to the temporary a unique id for each row of the resultset.
>> This is used for framing.
>> c) it adds a hash of the order by columns for the window function for
>> ordering
>> d) it adds a hash of the partition columns for partitioning
>> After the regular resultset is stored in the temp table, a function
>> sweeps the table for
>> each window function, calculating the result of the function based on the
>> framing clause,
>> then the column in the resultset is updated to reflect the computed value.
>> Finally, the resultset is returned to the client.
>> Here is the SQL log of the following query:
>> mysql> call shard_query.sq_helper("SELECT depname, empno, salary,
>> cume_dist() OVER (PARTITION BY depname ORDER by salary rows between 1
>> following and 1 following) ss FROM empsalary", "", 'test','testtab',1,1);
>>  +-----------+-------+--------+------------------+
>> | depname   | empno | salary | ss               |
>> +-----------+-------+--------+------------------+
>> | develop   | 7     | 4200   | 0.2              |
>> | develop   | 9     | 4500   | 0.4              |
>> | develop   | 11    | 5200   | 0.8              |
>> | develop   | 10    | 5200   | 0.8              |
>> | develop   | 8     | 6000   | 1                |
>> | sales     | 3     | 4800   | 0.66666666666667 |
>> | sales     | 4     | 4800   | 0.66666666666667 |
>> | sales     | 1     | 5000   | 1                |
>> | personnel | 5     | 3500   | 0.5              |
>> | personnel | 2     | 3900   | 1                |
>> +-----------+-------+--------+------------------+
>> 10 rows in set (0.08 sec)
>> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)
>> 150303 13:12:05 1533 Query call shard_query.sq_helper("SELECT depname,
>> empno, salary, cume_dist() OVER (PARTITION BY depname ORDER by salary rows
>> between 1 following and 1 following) ss FROM empsalary", "",
>> 'test','testtab',1,1)
>> -- get meta data for resultset (notice 0=1 in where clause)
>>  1553 Query SELECT NULL as wf_rownum, depname AS expr$0,empno AS
>> expr$1,salary AS expr$2,NULL as wf0,depname,SHA1(CONCAT_WS('#',depname)) as
>> wf0_hash,salary,SHA1(CONCAT_WS('#',salary)) as wf0_obhash
>> FROM empsalary  AS `empsalary`  WHERE  1=1   LIMIT 0
>> -- create temp table
>>  1553 Query CREATE TABLE aggregation_tmp_45403179 (wf_rownum bigint
>> auto_increment primary key,expr$0 VARCHAR(255),expr$1 VARCHAR(255),expr$2
>> VARCHAR(255),wf0 VARCHAR(255),depname VARCHAR(255),wf0_hash
>> VARCHAR(255),salary VARCHAR(255),wf0_obhash VARCHAR(255)) ENGINE=MYISAM
>> -- get resultset
>>  1556 Query SELECT NULL as wf_rownum, depname AS expr$0,empno AS
>> expr$1,salary AS expr$2,NULL as wf0,depname,SHA1(CONCAT_WS('#',depname)) as
>> wf0_hash,salary,SHA1(CONCAT_WS('#',salary)) as wf0_obhash
>> FROM empsalary  AS `empsalary`  WHERE  1=1
>> -- store resultset
>>  1557 Query INSERT INTO `aggregation_tmp_45403179` VALUES
>> (NULL,'develop',11,5200,NULL,'develop','418a6bc4deccf0f7d5182192d51a54e504b3f3c9',5200,'2fad4efb8e6aaaa53ecdf638137d390e002f9783'),(NULL,'develop',7,4200,NULL,'develop','418a6bc4deccf0f7d5182192d51a54e504b3f3c9',4200,'c79fce75b1583ddd36a96178757e0d8d0ac91228'),(NULL,'develop',9,4500,NULL,'develop','418a6bc4deccf0f7d5182192d51a54e504b3f3c9',4500,'97a87b470fe9ed5ff51ff9b8543e937e6016d48c'),(NULL,'develop',8,6000,NULL,'develop','418a6bc4deccf0f7d5182192d51a54e504b3f3c9',6000,'31d9ddeaa80bc88c1f3117b9724726ebcc7fc72d'),(NULL,'develop',10,5200,NULL,'develop','418a6bc4deccf0f7d5182192d51a54e504b3f3c9',5200,'2fad4efb8e6aaaa53ecdf638137d390e002f9783'),(NULL,'personnel',5,3500,NULL,'personnel','fc08ce9ebee8734c2dc883c0dbd607686bdce8f3',3500,'65609286cc04ece831a844984a6bc9eb80450cf7'),(NULL,'personnel',2,3900,NULL,'personnel','fc08ce9ebee8734c2dc883c0dbd607686bdce8f3',3900,'5446569e8572251dcac168152d6c37074427eae3'),(NULL,'sales',3,4800,NULL,'sales','59248c4dae276a021cb296d2ee0e6a0c962a8d7f',4800,'98e9f55262269a05dd4f1ed788626580fdef2e95'),(NULL,'sales',1,5000,NULL,'sales','59248c4dae276a021cb296d2ee0e6a0c962a8d7f',5000,'f8237d8959e03355010bb85cc3dc46a46fb31110'),(NULL,'sales',4,4800,NULL,'sales','59248c4dae276a021cb296d2ee0e6a0c962a8d7f',4800,'98e9f55262269a05dd4f1ed788626580fdef2e95')
>> -- handle window function 0 (the only one in this case)
>> -- get the hashes for each partition
>>  1553 Query SELECT distinct wf0_hash h from aggregation_tmp_45403179
>> ORDER BY salary asc
>> -- compute the values for each partition (three in this case)
>> -- process the window and update the temp table (see code at the end for
>> wf_cume) for each partition in turn.
>> -- as you can see there is a select followed by updates
>>  1553 Query SELECT *,NULL as wf0
>> FROM `aggregation_tmp_45403179` where
>> wf0_hash='fc08ce9ebee8734c2dc883c0dbd607686bdce8f3' ORDER BY salary asc
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 0.5 WHERE
>> wf_rownum in (6)
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 1 WHERE wf_rownum
>> in (7)
>>  1553 Query SELECT *,NULL as wf0
>> FROM `aggregation_tmp_45403179` where
>> wf0_hash='59248c4dae276a021cb296d2ee0e6a0c962a8d7f' ORDER BY salary asc
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 0.66666666666667
>> WHERE wf_rownum in (8,10)
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 1 WHERE wf_rownum
>> in (9)
>>  1553 Query SELECT *,NULL as wf0
>> FROM `aggregation_tmp_45403179` where
>> wf0_hash='418a6bc4deccf0f7d5182192d51a54e504b3f3c9' ORDER BY salary asc
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 0.2 WHERE
>> wf_rownum in (2)
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 0.4 WHERE
>> wf_rownum in (3)
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 0.8 WHERE
>> wf_rownum in (1,5)
>>  1553 Query UPDATE aggregation_tmp_45403179 SET wf0 = 1 WHERE wf_rownum
>> in (4)
>> -- return resultset to client
>>  1559 Query SELECT expr$0 AS `depname`,expr$1 AS `empno`,expr$2 AS
>> `salary`,wf0 as `ss`
>> FROM `aggregation_tmp_45403179`   ORDER BY wf0_hash,salary asc
>> -- remove temp table
>>  1559 Query DROP TABLE IF EXISTS aggregation_tmp_45403179
>>  1559 Quit
>>  1550 Quit
>> 150303 13:12:12 1533 Query set global general_log=0
>>  protected function wf_cume_dist($num,$state) {
>>     static $sum;
>>     $win = $state->windows[$num];
>>     if(empty($win['order'])) {
>>       if($percent)
>>         $sql = "update " . $state->table_name . " set wf{$num}=1";
>>       else
>>         $sql = "update " . $state->table_name . " set wf{$num}=0";
>>       $state->DAL->my_query($sql);
>>       if($err = $state->DAL->my_error()) {
>>         $this->errors[] = $err;
>>         return false;
>>       }
>>       return true;
>>     } else {
>>       /* running sum*/
>>       $sql = "SELECT distinct wf{$num}_hash h from " . $state->table_name
>> . " ORDER BY " . $win['order_by'];
>>       $stmt = $state->DAL->my_query($sql);
>>       if($err = $state->DAL->my_error()) {
>>         $this->errors[] = $err;
>>         return false;
>>       }
>>       $last_hash = "";
>>       $hash = "";
>>       $last_ob_hash = "";
>>       $ob_hash = "";
>>       while($row = $state->DAL->my_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
>>         #$sql = "select * from " . $state->table_name . " where
>> wf{$num}_hash='" . $row['h'] . "' ORDER BY " . $win['order_by'];
>>         $sql = "SELECT *," . $state->winfunc_sql . " where
>> wf{$num}_hash='" . $row['h'] . "' ORDER BY " . $win['order_by'];
>>         $stmt2 = $state->DAL->my_query($sql);
>>         if($err = $state->DAL->my_error()) {
>>           $this->errors[] = $err;
>>           return false;
>>         }
>>         $done=array();
>>         $rows=array();
>>         while($row2=$state->DAL->my_fetch_assoc($stmt2)) {
>>           $rows[] = $row2;
>>         }
>>         $last_hash = "";
>>         $last_ob_hash = "";
>>         $i = 0;
>>         $rowlist="";
>>         $rank = 0;
>>         while($i<count($rows)) {
>>           $row2 = $rows[$i];
>>           ++$rank;
>>           $ob_hash = $row2["wf{$num}_obhash"];
>>           $rowlist=$row2['wf_rownum'];
>>           for($n=$i+1;$n<count($rows);++$n) {
>>             $row3 = $rows[$n];
>>             $new_ob_hash = $row3["wf{$num}_obhash"];
>>             if($new_ob_hash != $ob_hash) {
>>               break;
>>             }
>>             $rowlist .= "," . $row3['wf_rownum'];
>>             ++$i;
>>             ++$rank;
>>           }
>>           $dist = $rank/count($rows);
>>           $sql = "UPDATE " . $state->table_name . " SET wf{$num} =
>> {$dist} WHERE wf_rownum in ({$rowlist})";
>>           $state->DAL->my_query($sql);
>>           if($err = $state->DAL->my_error()) {
>>             $this->errors[] = $err;
>>             return false;
>>           }
>>           ++$i;
>>         }
>>       }
>>     }
>>     return true;
>>   }
>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Igor Babaev <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 03/03/2015 10:25 AM, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
>>> > Hi, Igor!
>>> >
>>> > On Mar 03, Igor Babaev wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> I'd also like to discuss window functions too.  I've implemented
>>> them
>>> >>>> in shard-query and have ideas about how to implement them in the
>>> >>>> server, but pluggable parser would be really useful here.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Window functions have a good chance of being in 10.2, it's MDEV-6115.
>>> >>> But I don't think that somebody is working on MDEV-6115 yet.
>>> >>
>>> >> I started working on MDEV-6115 some time ago.
>>> >
>>> > Ah, great. Sorry, I didn't know it.
>>> > Could you then discuss it with Justin, please?
>>> > See above, he has some ideas about the implementation.
>>> Justin,
>>> How do you prefer discussing your ideas?
>>> On IRC (#maria) or by phone? (I don't have skype at the moment)
>>> Regards,
>>> Igor.
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Sergei
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