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Re: New Question: backup


Am 08.07.2015 um 16:55 schrieb Guillaume Lefranc:
I'm sure you have been told already but this question is on the KB, he
can't see your answer.

i am sure you could have read my last reply on that topic because there are still two options:

* don't spam the ML with web-board questions
* connect ML replies to the topics, how don't bother me

spam a ML with "you need to click here and login there" is crap

2015-07-08 16:53 GMT+02:00 Reindl Harald <h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Am 08.07.2015 um 16:40 schrieb AskMonty KB:

        A new question has been asked in "MariaDB Documentation" by
        gtrymore. Please answer it at http://mariadb.com/kb/en/backup/
        as the person asking the question may not be subscribed to the
        mailing list.

        How do you back up a mariadb server and what is /var/lib/mysql

    power down the replication slave and rsync /var/lib/mysql to the
    backup-location or whatever folder is configured as datadir - to be
    honest you could have typed the same in a google search

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