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Re: userstats Denied_connections


Hi, Rhys.Campbell!

On Apr 26, Rhys.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello All,
> I've been using the userstats plugin do debug an application issue and
> I think there's a bug in the collection of statistics, or at least a
> case of bad wording...
> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/user-statistics/
> DENIED_CONNECTIONS - The number of connections denied to this user.
> ACCESS_DENIED - The number of times this user's connections issued commands that were denied.
> A application user was displaying very high "DENIED_CONNECTION"
> values. This sent us in the direction a bad password was being
> supplied. Long story short it actually turns out that a series of
> ALTER TABLE statements were failing, because the application does not
> have permission to do so.
> During one our tests DENIED_CONNECTION was 5397 and ACCESS_DENIED was
> 0. We can see the ALTER TABLE statement failing and DENIED_CONNECTION
> being incremented quickly. According to the documentation shouldn't
> this ACCESS_DENIED (which I think might be better named

It's a bug. Could you please report it at jira.mariadb.org?

Chief Architect MariaDB
and security@xxxxxxxxxxx
