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Re: My Solution to MariaDB Database Server Crashed in Experimental Online Store


Am 22.10.18 um 23:12 schrieb Daniel Black:
>> Giving my virtual server more than 1 GB of RAM will cost me more
>> money.
> Sometimes you can't run a real service on less memory than your phone


with 1 GB you just survive basic operations and system-upgrades, below
768 MB you even don't surivive memory spikes of a "dnf upgrade"

and yes, i remember the times when i had run MS Windows Advances Server
with LAMP, Office, Photoshop, CorelDraw and a tiny Linux VM on a machine
with 192 MB RAM but sadly that times are gone by lazy developers wating

frankly i had seen page allocation errors leading to VMware HA trigger
in 2015 on Fedora guests wth just 1 GB RAM doing *nothing* than rsync
backups, that got better but doing anything useful with 1 GB RAM is a
bad job and shows lack of any expirience as well as the orginal post did
talking about crahses while not show any single sing of them but talk
about "sytemctl start/enable" which has nothing to do with crashes

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