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Re: MariaDB latest source tarballs missing


Hi, Shreenidhi,

On May 19, Shreenidhi Shedi wrote:
> I am from VMware Photon OS engineering team.
> We are trying to fix few CVEs that are being reported in 10.2.x &
> 10.3.x versions of MariaDB.
> There is release note for v10.2.44 but I cannot find the source
> tarball in downloads page or in github tags of maria db server.

You cannot find it, because it wasn't released yet.

> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-10244-release-notes/

This page says, on the very top, in a red box:

  Note: This page describes features in the source repository for
  MariaDB 10.2. There are currently no official packages or binaries
  available for download which contain the features. If you want to try
  out any of the new features described here you will need to get and
  compile the code yourself.

> Can you guys please help me out here? Where can I get the latest
> released source tarballs?


> Also, when can we expect a fix for this? If at all this is not
> released, when can we expect next release of MariaDB server versions?

Any day now.
VP of MariaDB Server Engineering
and security@xxxxxxxxxxx