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Re: [Ayatana] notify-osd + fullscreen + multiple monitors

Martín Soto ha scritto:
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Steve Dodier <sidnioulz@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:sidnioulz@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    What about console-presenter and evince / other PDF viewers ? They're
    used too for presentations. I don't think we can maintain an
    exhaustive list of applications, so maybe we should provide the user
    with a GUI to tell which apps shouldnt be overriden and in which
    circumstances (and have our own default apps there, like Evince in
    fullscreen, Presenter in fullscreen, etc).

How many applications are there that are *commonly* used for giving presentations? Five? Ten, maybe? I really don't see a reason why this couldn't be done in a per-application basis.
Martin: it suffers from the same problem as full-screen movies. If I am 
preparing for a presentation, I can be interrupted by mom, and if I 
don't want it I can set my state to busy. If I am actually showing the 
presentation, then I certainly don't want to be interrupted by ordinary 