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Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login
Comparing the updates at login and shutdown...
*Updates at login* : *Shutdown*:
_Steps involved_:
Start sys-processes ---
Wait for password -not needed,user has already approved-
Update Update
Shutdown Shutdown
Restart ---
The user definitely has to wait for updates and a bit longer for a Login
update.[atleast 1min extra than the update process for the
But the user does not need to wait at all for the Updates at Shutdown.
_Con_:to This idea...
Outdated updates ---
User *has* to wait user *might want* to wait!/Windows does it!
User has to approve, ---
the update twice
[for download&install]
Remember, the outdated updates are because the updates are detected only
from the previous session, so if the user uses a system only once a week
he is notified only of old updates!
When an *Update at Login idea has no clear advantage* ,
the *deciding factor should not be that it is a new idea* or Windows
does the shutdown method , so we do it differently!.
The only negative use case for a shutdown update is> the user who wants
instant shutdown.
*Here the users have the option for instant shutdown* .