On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 16:57, Martin Albisetti
<martin.albisetti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jeremy Nickurak wrote:
Right. I also wouldn't expect the user to know the difference between a program that's running and a program that has a launcher by looking at the messaging menu (at least without it saying "Launch: Evolution", which it currently doesn't.
Super, I think we're mostly in agreement. We need to figure out how to represent this better.
Yes, this may be a good idea so we can guarantee a certain level of
sanity with our default applications (or the ones we have in our repos).
I'm not sure if that should be tackled as a whitelist/blacklist
approach or patches against upstream packages though.
This can't be done upstream, and it can't be done automatically in the package. It depends entirely on which applications the user actually uses.
If I never use Evolution, but another user on the system does, he/she should see Evolution in his messaging menu. I shouldn't. Given enough applications with indicator support (which I'm really hoping happens), this is the only condition in which I think we can call the indicator menu useful.
I don't use evolution either, and it's always there as well.
Maybe we can decide to show it or not based on what your default email client is?
While we may not be able to do the work for all email apps to work well in the messaging menu, we can at least not show Evolution if I say my default email client is Thunderbird.